Friday, May 30, 2008

My Brand New Anti Virus

I get myself a brand new anti virus today. Norton 360. I live the features it provided too me. I feel safe with the anti virus. There are the features it provided:
1) Auto-Protected
2) Firewall
3) LiveUpdate
4) Virus and Spyware Scan
5) Email Scanning
6) Window Update
7) Intrusion Prevention
8) Weak Password Check
9) Browser Vulnerability
10) Network Address Check
* Additional Function – Transaction Security Check, Back Up and Store, PC TUNE UP.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The China 7.8 Earthquake Captured me

Chinese Version
看了四川大地震新闻后,我竟然流泪了。我自己也吓了一跳。无情的我竟然也会为别人而掉泪。可怜无辜的小孩,成千上万的人在一个冷酷无情的天灾牺牲了。可怜的老妈,看着自己的至亲离去。我在想象如果我是“他们”的画面。我该如何是好 !我该怎么做!生命是宝贵的,这跟我以前的作风不同。我的作风是“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”。我会好好活着的,我要造就我的王朝,就在我有生之年,而不是在我“牺牲”之后

English Version
I was dropped my tear after i read the SiChuan earthquake news.I was shocked and wonder why the callous me can tears for others. When i look at the Poor innocent children, the thousands of people was expense by a ruthless natural disasters. Poor mother, seeing their beloved leave away from them. I was imagined how useless i am and what can i do if I was one of "them".Life is precious. This is different from my previous style. My previous style was "Everyone one in the earth will die in one day, but the different between them is how they live and what they contributed when they were alive" I will live good with all my passion,I want to bring up my dynasty, in my lifetime, but not after i was "sacrificed".

The following are the video i share with you guys:

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You have to know your weakness before you upgrade yourself.

Chinese Version
妈的,病了两天,浪费了难得的周末。近来很压力,事事都不顺利。想做的事,都提不起劲去做。我,又累了。。。。我,好想逃。。。。我,好迷茫。。。。谁来救救我!有谁 ?!没有,我只能自救。以前的我太天真了,一直以为自己是天才。其实,我错了。我并不是个天才。我只是个普通人。我只是个不能坚持己见的人。有远见,却只说而不做,等于废物。妈的,你可不可以拿出你的毅力出来,别再让那些后悔的事再重演。

English Version
Damm it,i was sicked in a couple of days, wasted a rare weekend. I was feeling pressure recently, everything going unsmoothly. I am tired about everything i want to do, and no energy to do it. Feel like want to give up . . . .I am so confused. . . . Who Can Help me ?!No one, I can only save myself.i was too naive before, and always thought that im a genius. In fact, I was wrong. I am not a genius. I am just a layman. I am just the person who cant make a self promised.I am Far-sighted, but i only know how to say, equivalent to the waste. Damm it, Can you take out your perseverance, not to recurrence the regret matters again
and again.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Comment and Funny things about the Movie "Iron Man"

Yesterday i went to Gurney for the movie "Iron man" and i figure out some funny things from the movie.

The Three Funny Things about the "Iron Man"
1) During the Translation, the "Iron Man" was translated into "Orang Besi" in Malay subtitle. loL ~
2) Also, the "Iron Man" was called 坚强的男人, in Chinese Subtitle.... wtf !!
3) For my opinion, the "Iron Man" should called "烫斗人" in Chinese.

I was not going to watch this movie from the beginning because of the "lousy trailer" but i was changing my mind at the end because of most of my friends told me that "Iron Man" was a cool movie after they watched it. It's too much different from the trailer. That is an amazing film. Im strongly agree with my fellows after i watched it. The movie was cool, the amimation was Perfect. I give it 8/10 for the vote.