Chinese Version妈的,病了两天,浪费了难得的周末。近来很压力,事事都不顺利。想做的事,都提不起劲去做。我,又累了。。。。我,好想逃。。。。我,好迷茫。。。。谁来救救我!有谁 ?!没有,我只能自救。以前的我太天真了,一直以为自己是天才。其实,我错了。我并不是个天才。我只是个普通人。我只是个不能坚持己见的人。有远见,却只说而不做,等于废物。妈的,你可不可以拿出你的毅力出来,别再让那些后悔的事再重演。
English Version
Damm it,i was sicked in a couple of days, wasted a rare weekend. I was feeling pressure recently, everything going unsmoothly. I am tired about everything i want to do, and no energy to do it. Feel like want to give up . . . .I am so confused. . . . Who Can Help me ?!No one, I can only save myself.i was too naive before, and always thought that im a genius. In fact, I was wrong. I am not a genius. I am just a layman. I am just the person who cant make a self promised.I am Far-sighted, but i only know how to say, equivalent to the waste. Damm it, Can you take out your perseverance, not to recurrence the regret matters again and again.